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This podcast was certainly more philosophical. I think the same learning process applies to developing Scoutmasters as well. These podcasts have been taking this brand-new Scoutmaster from being unconsciously incompetent to being consciously incompetent. :) Trying to teach a young patrol leader when you aren't really sure of your own abilities can be difficult issue. Just recently, after our Troop was re-established, we held a recruitment meeting. We were fortunate to get 3 new boys to show up, and I am optimistic that they will join. However, because I didn’t want to put a hard sell onto the parents, I realize I didn’t even get their contact information myself (much less thinking to ask my 5th grade scouts to do this). I had hoped that I could be unconsciously competent before I was consciously competent. I don't know how long it takes before a new Scoutmaster feels they are consciously competent. I also wonder whether Scoutmasters who feel so confident in their abilities that they produce Scouting podcasts ever feel unconsciously competent. Keep up the great podcasts!
Posted by: Blaise Vitale | March 23, 2011 at 05:48 PM